I found this footage of Barack Obama playing high school basketball. Apparently he was pretty good. On this historic day where I believe Senator Obama becomes President-Elect Obama, I figured tons of others will be blogging and video blogging and writing about why you should vote and blah blah blah. My vote is locked in. Im sure most people know who they will be voting for. I'd rather show you a funny ass clip of Obama in tight ass shorts grabbing boards and taking it to the rack for a breakaway layup. GoBama. I love that Obama called fora playoff system in college football and McLame talked about steroid usage. It goes to show who cares about what the average person and the average sports fan cares about and who is the same old politician tight ass talking about regulation and more blah blah blah. On a side note Sarah Palin won the chip in high school with her Wasilla Warriors. Hopefully after tomorrow she will take her self back to Wasilla and never come back. Okay, so here is the footage. Peace!

Check Obama's crossover on the OBalla Mixtape at 0:41 seconds! lol. This one has recent footage and Obama still has some skills. Imagine McCain in any athletic competition lol.


Unknown said...

And I bet he can still take it to the hoop...

2ew Gunn Ciz said...

some of the footage is very recent so yea he can definitely hoop still.